The total fucking oddballs in post-hip-hop collective Curse ov Dialect are from Australia, naturally - the land of gawky nonconformists like the emu and the platypus. Their thick Oceanan accents stretch to the limit with quirky post-Freestyle Fellowship cadences, while sampled didgeridoos and noisemakers further convolute these kid koalas. The group's loopiness is seen in beats made from snipping scissors and lines from emcee Atarungi like, "Mr. Disarray riddles plankton, little shoe, amoebas waging war with testicle residue / Spermazoids deploy-oy is noids from the voy-oid!" - but on opener "Baby How?" it's grounded by a folksy hook slowed to a crawl. "Upside Down Frowns" meanwhile, is just whacked - ever-shifting noisy buzz-buzz, monkey howls, Robert Carradine's Revenge of the Nerds laugh - showing that Curse ov Dialect's avant beat-hop ("Like transit lounge balls at Charles De Gaulle / An overnight beard growth in a duty-free mall") is equal parts weighty politics and unabashed ludicrousness. Funnier than Doseone, noisier than Aceyalone, Lost in the Real Sky is one of the strangest things to emerge from Oz since that Nick Cave and Kylie duet. - CMJ |