Coming from the land down under, this group definitely has a sound that they can call their own. Calling Mush Records home, Curse ov Dialect joins the likes of avant garde artist like cLOUDDEAD and Aesop Rock. In today's popular music world, the concept of originality has unfortunately diminished as more and more groups sound like the next. Not the case here, original beats, and I mean original, comprise Lost in the Real Sky. What got my attention was a track in which electronic music and original sampling collide. This track samples to what seems to be a monkey laughing, that's right I said a monkey (an unusual form of sampling, but damn original.) It leaves you feeling confused, but somewhat drawn to it. Have you ever watched the ethnic cable channel on Saturday mornings and seen the cultural music videos? If you have, then you know what I am talking about. First you laugh at the unusual beats and lyrics, but for some odd reason you continue watching. Anyways, Curse ov Dialect has unique sound that is a collage of beats, unconventional sampling, and melodic riffs. The album is then all tied in with political lyrics, pretty clean turntablism, producing edgy sound. With eighteen tracks, Curse's debut album is pretty impressive and definitely original. You can see the influences of hip-hop, punk and electronic music. It's so good to see people opening up their minds to different genres of music and ultimately, creating a sound that reflect those influences. - Fixins |