
 With a touring schedule that keeps them on the road seemingly more than it gives them time at home, Lymbyc Systym have miraculously completed their second full-length album, entitled Shutter Release. Magnifying the already giant sounds of Love Your Abuser was not an easy task, but with Jeff Zeigler behind the boards recording the album and John Congleton (Modest Mouse, Explosions In The Sky) shaping the mixdowns, they’ve managed to do just that. Instrumentation has become broader, arrangements more grandiose, and melodies more focused, resulting in a sublime second album. While the stacked keys and busy drums that defined their previous outing still create the foundation of much of Shutter Release, the Brothers Bell have added acoustic and electric guitars, majestic brass and disembodied vocals to their arsenal. On Shutter Release, Lymbyc Systym prove there are few better than them at reviving memories with sound.