This is one of those albums where you should experience it for yourself, my words could never do this album justice, while it isn't quite perfect, it is a true original and you'd be hard pressed to find anything else like it. A blend of hip-hop, classical and experimental electronica, it does in many parts recall the sample based noodlings of Dj Shadow too. However this album is far deeper than Mr. Shadows work. Parts also bring to mind the work of Prefuse 73, who produce one of the tracks, which is in fact probably the weakest track on the album. The hip-hop tracks are fantastic, too mellow for their own good really and the album (despite having quite a choppy feel to much of it) flows brilliantly. Some might think that someone incorporating all these elements might be trying too hard, or perhaps being a little pretentious with his electronic fumblings. However, it never feels forced or pretentious, it's the sound of someone who loves music and loves making music, to me, its like a dream has been captured on disc. Ethereal vocals glide over the top of piano, string and electronic beats and nothing ever really feels out of place. A true original and for me, already a contender for the best album of 2005. - Outline |