The opening track on Zoon van Snook‘s (Falling From) The Nutty Tree started off with a bit of ‘ukulele playing before the sound of the instrument is chopped. I’m expecting the rest of this album to be this eclectic, as it’s on Mush and Mush aren’t known for their acoustic qualities. Then “Cuckoo” begins with hard beats, synths and keyboard layers over a high pitched melody that sounds video game-ish, and this is nothing like the acoustic sounds that start the album. I’m smiling mentally. Gentle obesity, light gluttony, I can come up with a lot of ying-yang terms to describe his music and most of them would be right/wrong (see how I did/didn’t do that?). His bio states the album is “a warm, humorous and hook-laden sonic collage of Kitchen-sink eccentronica”, but it’s a lot more organized than just random sounds thrown in for the hell of it. Then again, another perspective of “kitchen-sink eccentronica” is to say that it doesn’t sound like a lot of electronica, but the best electronica always strives to be its own sound,not what’s hip, what’s now. The fact that these songs would sound good at camp as much as it would sound good at a Motel 6 group sex session speaks volumes, because it could tickle your fancy in a number of ways. The earthiness of the instruments used, mixed in with various synths (including a number of analog sounding ones), makes this a satisfying listen. It’s an album where you’ll discover new things with each listen, and that to me is the benefit of an album. Even when you think you know it inside out, there’s going to be something that makes you want to know it outside in. - This Is Book's Music |