I have waited with great expectations for this new album from Australia's Clue to Kalo (a.k.a. Mark Mitchell), and I am surprised if this will not be in my top 10 of 2009. A wonderful-wonderful-wonderful album! His previous albums have been big favourites of mine (and still are), and the way this man "thinks" music is very interesting. You'll never know what you'll get on a new album from Clue to Kalo, because he constantly develops and works with his sound. The only thing I know, based on my experiences with 3 albums of his, is that I'll love it… On his third album Lily Perdida he goes less electronic and the instrumentation and arrangements are even more interesting this time. His first album was easy to characterize as "dreamy electronic pop," his second continued with melodies more in front and stronger song structures, and dropped some of the electronics in favour of "real" instruments. This one is not that easy to put in the electronica-category, since the electronics are just there to fill in and colour the music. Other instruments dominate. The songs are strong, the arrangements really interesting and his vocals are wonderful as always. The album is a concept album about the story of the titular character from life to death, using the view points of those close to her. The song titles tells us who’s viewing point we should take, like "User To A Carrier, By The Sister." It's HIGHLY recommended, and after this Mark Mitchell/Clue to Kalo deserves the same status as artists like Sufjan Stevens and the like. He is a Genius. Strong words, I know, and I hate using strong words, but this time it feels OK. - Eardrums |