Brothertiger's "In Mind" is fueled by a monster hook and synth-pop perfection that could have come straight from mid-eighties new-romantic England. Though elements of the vocals and songwriting remind of the best work from groups like Tears For Fears, Howard Jones, or Thompson Twins, the overlaid synths, prominent drums and swaths of reverb are uniquely modern and fit squarely with the sound developed by Brothertiger across his first album, ep, and singles. "In Mind" contains two perfectly matched remixes. Summer Heart follows up the recent success of his "Beat Of Your Heart" single with a beautifully modified reworking that amps the drums and adds a bit of grit to the mix while Sharktooth uses an r&b inspired breakbeat and bassline to highlight the vocals. "In Mind" is a dense, technology-intensive take on new wave, with beautiful moments.