California native Lulu Mushi is Mush's seamstress of the offbeat, splicing genre specific sounds in order to thatch her own from the wonderful odds and ends. Her original productions have landed heavy radio and club play from DJs around the world and her recent remix for the Daedelus single Sundown received accolades in magazines ranging from BPM Culture to Urb. She is not one to play by music's conventional rules: if a track sounds best in 5/4 time, with a 96 bar conga solo, or without a traditional drum beat, so be it. This uncompromising stance can be traced to her wide range of sound sources: tropicália, French pop, and 60s psychedelia, all culled from a stack of flea-market vinyl, with added bits of live guitar, keyboards, percussion, and vocals from the artist herself. No two songs sound the same, yet all are obviously the work of the same sweet mind.